Long Mynd Aftermath

i feel like spartacus......after carrying the cross......i will post soon, after breakfast.....hope geoff feels ok!....
Dreich but epic :D

Thanks to Rob for organising and route finding. Some great trails (and detours!)
Thanks to all for traveling some distance to what promised to be a wet cold ride, a fact not mentioned too much in the week leading up to it. Particular thanks to all the non-East Mids folk who wouldn't have been moaned at if they hadn't appeared.
As the East Mids know, the Long Mynd is particularly special to me. It provided some of the most memorable day-rides for me in the early '90s, when I was somewhat fitter than now. Retrobike got me back into riding regularly after many years away, and my target was always to be able to enjoy a day-ride on The Mynd. This was the third year we've been back. I see it as my 'MOT', and each year has been different, for time of year, weather, and route, (last year we got sun-burnt eating lunch outside in mid-March).
Particular thanks to John for his help in planning and leading.
Now for the apologies:
Apologies for the lack of views , which are really special, honest.
Apologies for keeping you hanging around, particularly at the top of the last Mynd climb (last year folk could just collapse in the sunshine).
Apologies for the hiccup in the seamless organisation when things got a bit vague on the route off Stiperstones. This was always going to be the tricky bit, and the intention had been to recce it in the week, but work and wife took over.
Apologies for cutting the route from that advertised and the resulting amount of road riding.

Highlights for me were many:
Passing the non-retro guy on his fs orange on the first Mynd climb.
General navigation in the cloud (makes you realise how easily it could all go horribly wrong).
The pub coming good. With the route chosen it was the only option, and to see the portions realise that it was good value for money. Really glad I only has a side of chips. How on earth you managed the Stiperstones climb when full of sausage, mash and gravy......
The climbs. Yes, a huge sense of personal achievement on most of these. The Stiperstones climb with its 20% gradient stands out as I couldn't believe how steep it looked when we came down it on the way back.
The descents, obviously. The first major descent down to the pub was a bit of a disappointment for me as it had been 'stoned', far more natural last year.
The Stiperstones descent (forever to be referred to as 'Geoff's Descent') proved to be a corker. Thanks for the comments on my speed down this Gav, which was helped by a suspect front brake and an increasingly ineffective rear.
The route shortening removed two great descents (and hard climbs) but they can be redressed.
The final descent of course, the poor light removed some of the sense of speed, which built up almost without you realising. I'd totally forgotten about the off-camber slide down the rocks into the narrow track down the side of the Batch, which gave the addrenalin level a fresh hit.
Videojetman's rc100. So pleased you've still got this and ride it.

Jitensha, always good to see a new face, and I hope that you weren't put off at all. I think if it had been my first ride I'd use your expression..'NUTTERS'
Bolly, I can't believe you out on a road-ride today... see you next time.

You're a great bunch to ride with...... A great day.
right......im fed, watered, and the bike is clean.......ish!.....headset lubed with sand but thats for another day!.....thanks to rob for organising the ride, i too have spent a lot of time over the past two decades riding up and over the mynd, but it was nice too see someone elses perspective on it and was a top day.....good to see some old and new faces, i was initially dissapointed to see so many new bikes, but as the day wore on i would have given good money for some bar ends, plush fox forks and disc brakes!.....ed....i have successfully relieved you of two seatposts, and three sets of gripshifts and not put money in your 'get home' pot....i will put the accounts straight next ride!.... :roll: .....the weather didnt do us any favours, although we were not subject to the incessant rain that can engulf the mynd so it wasnt too bad really...rob mentioned the views, and i can vouch for their quality on a summers afternoon with cannock chase and snowdon visible from one spot!....top food at the pub too.....geoff, i hope you feel better and not too stiff....i didnt see you fall but i recognised that look of wanting to stare at the sky and not talk when i got to you, we must have all felt it and it didnt look good....a reminder of how good a mountain bike is at getting you in the shit a long way from safety and comfort.....vjm's pace worthy of mention, the neon forks a ray of angelic light in the hilly mist, good to see it used as intended.....the climbing was epic too, most of it on tarmac but several tests of stamina, the last one was a real widow maker, although strangely enjoyable once i passed pain and burn, into that strange hypnotic trance that leaves you comparing the shape of the tread on the front tyre with random kitchen utensils......great to see you all boys, thanks for a good day.....more friendly and honourable men i couldnt wish to meet....until next time!....
Thanks for you're messages,i'm just fine,annoyed with myself for being stupid enough to ride 1 handed and try and clean my glasses on a rocky descent,won't be doing that again!,went out for 2 hours today round Hicks Lodge,no after effects at all,that stuff John gave me must be good!(or maybe it was the 4 pints of guiness last night),thanks to those who picked me up and sorted me out,see you Tues.
I will try to make this next time. I know how nasty some of those climbs around Stiperstones are. I did 60 miles with my loaded tourer a few years back. I was wanting extra gears and that was on the road!
So sorry to have missed this again. as the first year was my last ride of freedom (before I got wed) sounds like it was a challenge. next year I promise
thanks for the ride, it certainly was a tough one. but well worth it.
the meal was very nice, glad to see geoff did'nt sustain too much damage.
the pace performed brilliantly. but i got a pinch punture 15mins from the end.
i got a few pics, looking forward to the next ride.
thanks, jeff.


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