Le Tour 2012!

Not half

Fine win for Millar today, in his interview he pointed out the tour record of the brit` olympic road team ,4 stage winners pretty awesome sounding line up

Great to see a german win on bastille day :LOL: ,cav must be worried that griepel made it over the last climb ,and he got dropped.not good for the olympics
Sagan up the road? Maybe a Nibali attack today.

Sagan looks super strong, last rider is thought that about is currently banned :?
Nibali will have a go today but i don't think Sky will let him get away.
Cav needs to prove his worth today :D
If Nibali has a go today I'm not sure anyone from Sky can stop him. Probably the best descender in the TDF at the mo. Its a big gap to Sagan though.

As for Cav I'm not sure whats going on, I'm guessing he would have pulled out by now except for the fact that Sky have two guys leading the race. What I do think it shows is that despite his efforts he's not really climbing any better.