Laptop Help Please!


ok, i'll give it some thought, thanks. i'm rapidly exhausting my 1985-92 tours de france on vhs, so i'm looking to get some youtube stuff up in lights in front of the turbo trainer . . well, that was the plan anyway!
If it's just for turbo, a cheap tablet will do nicely.
Or just getting a 50 quid flat screen from asda
I used to run vga-scart
Power strip is your friend

Depends on the graphics card as powerstrip adjusts the timing of the video signal, I used it on a desktop, laptop graphics cards may be more fussy.

The windows desktop looks poor on a CRT, I used windows media centre which looked fine, playing video looked as good as any TV channel.

Its a fiddly setup though. Power strip runs as windows starts.

Modern TVs, HDMI, full HD unable desktop in windows and perfect display plug n play.