Job number 2

Neil........there's 3 things going on, 1 job i can train to........the other has very early starts and , no transport on Sun with enough time, cycle wize i used to cycle a mountain pass in wales all the time, the bank job would be 11 miles, but i'm just thinking of winter, i don't want to say yes i can be there, if when it gets icy or snowing there is no other way in. I think i may have found a 'workers' bus that just does 1 run in the day at 5.50am ....

the 2nd job has said i can make my own times up which is fantastic...

and i've got to try and work this all out with an impending divorce ! so i may have to move out anyway my wife has just started lying about where she goes with her new manhater friend so that's the final straw for me, treated like a door mat fine, treated like a door mat and being lied to, i have my's all happening at once and i intend to come out of it with some dignity..

Ragging lol :D