Happy dad

Karen and I have just bought our grandson, Henry, a balance bike and helmet for his 2nd birthday.
That's not until the 11th of September though, so we might give it to him before then, when hopefully we'll still have a little summer left.
This can be a chore, my eldest was up on two wheels before his 4th birthday, the younger one of the boys is 7 next month and only just getting it, he still needs a push start. I hope holiday this month on the caravan park will see him finally conquer it. Then it just leaves my daughter but she is only 2 so i have a year or two yet before I have to tackle it again. She does love going out on the bike in the seat so she may have inherited my love of cycling and the boys their mums not fussed attitude. Ironic.

my boy is a whizz on the balance bike, just need to get him on the pedal bike now.....not sure he's ready for it yet though. got him a nice fire chief bike which i enjoyed stripping and reconditioning recently :) any excuse to play with bike :p

can't wait to get him out, but need to get him a lid. he hates wearing hats at the best of times though, so this could be a deal breaker....

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