got done for speeding today

I used to have the opposite problem as a kid (17-18 years old).

There was a part of the road on the outskirts of the local town (Stokesley) where the limit was 30mph, but plod "expected" everybody to do 35+ along it. On a Saturday night, at 11:30pm, if you were only doing 30mph, they'd assume you'd been drinking and pull you over.

They stopped me twice with
Plod: "Is this your car?"
Me: "No, it's my dad's"
Plod: "Can we telephone him to confirm this?"
Me: "No, imagine what that call would do to his heart - 11:30pm and "Hello this is the Police, it's about your son." But you can follow me home."
Plod: "Have you been drinking?"
Me: "No, I don't drink if I'm drivng" (We had a rule in my group of freinds - whoever drives gets their soft drinks paid for all night by those he gives a lift to)
Plod: "Blow into this bag please, sir."

The look of absolute disappointment when it came up clean was great. Both times.

I did get stopped for speeding once - for overtaking a uniformed police car that was apparently doing 30 in Stokesley centre. On my road bike. I'd slipstreamed him into town on the way to scholl and got bored so went past him. He was upset, but let me off with a stern word about not overtaking police cars, especially ones doing the speed limit. I think he was secretly impressed that I could do it. I know I was.
brilliant heathy , that reminded me of hooning it down in cornwall in the fast lane and as i passed the copper parked by the side of the road the biker he had pulled pointed as i booted past waving :LOL:

a group of us asked if the speed limit applied to bikes and the nice lady told us it didnt

i did get pulled on the bike once as it was niht and i couldnt be arsed with lights to go to my mates/pub i hought of a false name ( well a name of a lad i was at school with :LOL: ) but i couldnt think of an address quick enough so i slowly turned the bike round and fooked off , poor diesel escort had a sudden burst of abuse as it gave chase but i lost them down an alley after hoppin a few things . after a couple of hours ducking and diving down roads as i heard the police off in the distance it finally came to me having to ride along a long road before having to ride up a steep hill to get home but i was knacked and as i heard them get ever closer i gave in :LOL:

expected a resisting arres or something but only got the £30 fine and a " you can clearly ride well ut you still need lights " :LOL:
Hi, tell you something about my first bad day with speeding - few years ago when I was in a hurry to get into south of Polan in a bit short of time. There was a 70 kph speed (outside the city) limit and after braking I had a radar record of 120... Guess the car. Suzuki Jimny :D
errm, i've never been done for speeding, i got stopped once near Richard Huish in Taunton on my way back from work in Honiton at 11.30pm doing 45mph (i think its 30 there?) and was told that while my speed wasn't excessive i was breaking the speed limit and don't do it again sort of thing... reasonable i thought...

my dad got done in 1974 doing 118mph in a brand new Granada on the way to a Ford meeting, got banned for 3 months, probably a little embarrassing :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
:shock: What a naughty lot,im beginning to wonder what kind of people im mixing with here ;) :LOL:

I'll come clean
I jumped a set of lights ,we were sitting waiting with the lights at red ,and i decided as there was no other traffic about i'd just go straight through

Yes there was no other traffic..except the police van directly behind me
My Dad (jammy git and lunatic) had a rule where he had to exceed 100 mph every time he went out in his car. Proved to be a bit difficult nipping down to the shops! :LOL:

He's been stopped doing scary fast speeds and talked his way out of it, he is actually a very good, aware driver, which I guess shows. Apart from once when he had a '67 Mustang from a car club and lost it on a roundabout over a motorway, we were inches from dropping over the barrier onto the fast lane.... :shock:

My Dad rocks! :cool: :twisted:
A couple of months ago i had to go to court for speeding.
Thank god we do not have a points system here in the netherlands.

I was caught some time at night,..doing over 180 where 70 was allowed.
I know it was silly but i was the only one on the road,..straight, perfectly flat,..good lighting,..the right car,.. (Quattroporte)
Okay,.normally you get a ticket, 6 months no licence, and a trail period of 2 years.
I went there with a gorgeous female lawyer, was the first one that day, that was probably what saved me, the judge started fresh so he was not annoyed yet by all the complaining he will hear during the day ;)
He asked me why i did it and i told them what i tell you,..that i wanted to drive hard for once,..and this was my chance, and that is was stupid to do.
He said that he believes in the goodness of the people and therefore he gave me a ticket for 1000 euro and the 2 year probation, thank god i did not had to hand over my licence, that was my main concern.
When the judge told that, you could hear all the people waiting behind me in the court room sigh, and thinking ; if he gets away with that,..i am too! ;)

now i have to be very nice for 2 years :oops:

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