F……. Drunk driver at 8:30 in the morning????!!!!!!


Senior Retro Guru
Puncture on the Cannondale. No time. Jump on the mmmmBOP … huge hoops, Hans Dampf 2.3s and 63 head angle - not the best for a 10 mile commute...but off we go.

and THEN!

In town, on last 5 min run through the backstreets - and suddenly a huge black pickup comes straight out of a side turning at me…the oncoming cyclist screams, and I have no idea how I avoided it, basically I turned spontaneously like I would on the trail to avoid a tree in singletrack, and the bumper essentially brushed my left knee. VERY SCARY.

Driver then stopped by woman who screamed, but he gives lots of abuse to her, and is clearly pissed. Off he goes...of course I should have take reg, but brain full of ‘what could have happened’….and know the police will be less than interested….