East to West bike ferry needed?


Retro Guru
Greetings all. Not sure if this is still a thing but there used to be a very noble thread that helped people like me out, that is people who find bikes at one end of the country and have no way to get them to their respective stable. In short, I'm wondering if there is anyone that lives on the East Coast (bike is at EH24) that makes a regular journey to the West Coast (my garage is in Helensburgh G84). I'm sure there used to be a thread for this with people's regular journeys posted up. I once transported a Stumpy from Plymouth to Portsmouth for a fellow retrobiker a good while back. Perhaps someone could help out or point me in the right direction. Failing that any advice on local couriers would be grand. Thanks very much. 😎
If you were only a bit further north I could help as I regularly go between Aberdeenshire and Oban, but taking a stretch down to Embra is just not in my blood 😁

I've a discount card for Parcelforce and I actually find them really good. There's also a guy called Flatpack Genie (not on this group) who does frequent runs from Argyll to Ikea - might be worth seeking him out on FB