Do You Meet Many Other Retro Riders?


It was a real pleasure to met you too. I'm not at all well so it was great to have an already brilliant day full of girlfriend and riding topped up by meeting a top bloke :) Michelle thought it was great to meet you too - since starting riding she's been really pleased and surprised at how friendly cyclists can be.
Sounds like you had a brilliant weekend.
Oddly I started seriously MTBing when working at a bike shop as a mechanic too. ( Except it was..*coughalfordscough*) XC was the thing to do back then, wasn't it?
I can well understand your reason for not riding often, I'd just assumed that the way you took that berm meant you did that kind of thing every day :)
Your dad is, clearly, a legend. Hardcore oldschool, I hope I am still riding my (slightly less hardcore) Marin at his age :)

No droning done and no apology necessary, great to meet you too :)