Cycling Book Recommendations

Ralph Kent

Retro Newbie
Any suggestions for a good cycling book read? I've just finished "The History of Cycling in Fifty Bikes" by Tom Ambrose and "Beryl" by Jeremy wilson and really enjoyed both.
Round the world on a wheel buy John Foster Fraser . 1896 cycling in a bye gone time . IMHO an epic tale of travel by
three men on bicycles
Couple of suggestions:

- Fat Tyre Flyer: Repack and the Birth of Mountain Biking

- Pre-war cycling diaries of Charlie Chadwick - Vol 1 - 4

- The Golden wheels of Albert Winstanley (plus the later book "Golden Day's Awheel")

- Richard's Bicycle Book (the original edition)
It is more about the history of the Spring Classics than cycling them, but "The Beast, The Emperor and the Milkman" by Harry Pearson is a very entertaining read.