Computer help- Buying

I'll build it. I used to be Toshiba/ Samsung/ Acer accredited and Apple certified too. Its now 9 years since it was my daily job but I still do a few builds/ repairs.

Seriously good advice here already, but I still reckon throwing it together yourself will render you a better end result.

I would use some of your old machine, now pretty much worthless, and upgrade the most important parts.

For your boot drive something groovy and fast from the SSD dimension.

Low noise PSU, some now rarely spin up their fans.

16GB of ram is more than you can really use for most applications.

The latest-ish CPU from Intel, in the best bang for buck iteration.

Motherboard from one of the most respected suppliers, that is not worth skimping on..

Once you have everything working and such think about the case you want.
Midlife":1eeuoqab said:
Hi legrandfromage, we need a new desktop box (don't ask) and have been looking at this zoostorm .... ... -7260-3017

Rather than give money to ebuyer can you send me something similar so money goes in your pocket?


Thats expensive! Especially as theres no operating system.

PM with what you need plus budget and I'll see what I can put together. I'm sure others will be able to help to but I'll give it my best shot.
Hi LGF. You have PM.

Fluffychicken, its to play games on Steam plus other sundry tasks for a 10 year old :)


You might need a bit more than that if playing modern steam games.

I play games a few years old now, evey now and then.

Unfortunalty modern PC games are demanding more than an XBOX or PS4 can give. (or run at lower setting).
saying that, the games targeted at 10year olds might not demand it.

If you take the list I posted on the firat page and either
Drop the i5-i4460 for a lesser processor like the i3-4160 and possibly drop the graphics card for now and see how the integrated HD4400 works with his games.

If you really want to cut back then Pentium G3258 is a decent processor and if he gets to playing with computer he can overclock that to quite some speed. I don't think it's iGPU is that useful though for games.
But it doea release the moeny for a GeForce750/750Ti I really wouldn't waste moeny on any slower graphics card, spend more yes, but not less if the CPU iGPU is not powerful enough.

The motherboard I listed is what I consider the best, cheap motherboard, but is HDMI out only if using the integrated GPU. Not a problem if you have one or use another card.

Oddly at the time Amazon 'by Amaxon' was the cheapest place to buy all the parts.
Prices move around though and you would need a case.

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