Campagnolo qs10 speed ergo part


Kona Fan
Hi ladies and gents, I hope someone can help please.
I am after a cable spool for a right hand 10 speed Qs ergo lever. It’s the black plastic part that the cable threads through and has teeth that hit the shifter button to stop over shifting. The teeth have worn on the one I have but the rest works beautifully.
Apparently they only come as part of a new pod from campy now and,call me old fashioned, but I’m a bit tight to fork out £70 for a small piece of plastic the size of a 10p piece.
They are generic for mirage, beloved and centaur so if anyone has either the part or a broken lever that they’re happy to sell on let me know if you would.
Thanks in advance!
You could try and replace that part only, but there will be wear also in the tooth that engages the ratchet-ring (you call it "cable spool"), and this is pinned in the shifter body and not exactly replaceable. It is easy to spot by making a close-up picture: that tooth has to be nicely "pointy" but if you were experiencing the shifter to "skip" with the cable tension, then it's likely to have it tip blunt, hence a new ratchet-ring won't do any fix.

FWIW, a new shifter body is £40 not £70, and if you've worn out your current one you will wear out a new one too. This happens because the cables get too much friction, or improper use of the shifter in some other way. All the ones I have replaced, they all were showing some problems with the cable routing or similar issues.
There's also users that will literally change gear every 10 seconds (I see many during my daily commute!) so their "two years of use" means 10+ years of the average cyclist. I have a set of Centaur that have had over 4 years of commuter use in town (where you're more likely to shift through the gears) and no problems...

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