At Woking tip today

Now need a "trade card" to buy from my tip....sorry recycling centre .......that includes now bikes, anything electrical, lawnmowers and anything else petrol powered.....h&s bs.

So as nobody wants the bikes as a business, it all goes back into scrap metal after 3 months of sitting around in the rain. 😆.

Fantastic....apparently this is progress and will help us recycle and meet some fictitious commitments.

Think they could learn a lot from the 70s (second hand furniture, rag and bone man, scrap yard car parts, 10p on a corona bottle return, fixing electrical stuff) when recycling didn't need to exist
Our "superiors"🤣🤣 bought in a throw away society, now they done a 180 degree turn around to save the planet, but only if it does not effect their little extra"bonuses"
In the 70's money was tight, so everything was used as long as possible, now just dumped as us cyclists see so much in our country roads.

Trade card from a recycling centre, that's totally mad!
Wonder if Ebay issues them....🤔
@Splatter Paint completely agree.....somewhere this has all gone very wrong....

Bikes crushed for £1 worth of metal when we apparently want cheap environmental transport and to get people into greener travel, companies not forced to have and keep spares for products just a few years old, and an entire throw away culture!

The worst for me is cars that are environmentally friendly (if measured at the point of entry into our country) but that will be scrapped in a decade due to unaffordable repair bills or inability to work on them at home....most powered by energy made by burning fossil fuels.....but thats ok..somehow...

But, my old 03 250k volvo, which i can fix and service at home (engine was out at christmas for a £4.11 core plug🤣) are the antichrist....

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