April fools joke maybe?

I have a book called the ''Ultimate Bicycle Book'' by Richard Ballantine and Richard Grant, and there is one of these cycles in there, along with a really interesting multi jointed articulated train of cycles designed for a family to use, they all have their own set of wheels, but they link together into a cycle train, with load carrying potential also.

In the book also is the delicious Wind Cheetah SL recumbrant, I always wanted one of them.

The cruel side of me did have the idea to make one of those BMX type bikes, all tricked out and shiny, but change the steering, so it turns the wrong way when steered, leave it outside the shops where the little yobbos eyeball my bike and watch them try to nick the BMX by their usual method of riding off on it. My bike, they can't get their leg over the cross bar.