Achilles rupture

Well I did mine 10 years ago, only it was undiagnosed for 5 weeks🤬. finally getting diagnosed by a physio (2 different hospitals and my doctor told me it was a sprained ankle) after I asked my doctor for physio 4 weeks in. So I had to have surgery and was in a cast and unable to weight bare for 5 months. All in it took about a year to recover verses if it had been treated immediately it could have been a few months. I’ve since had dvt in the same leg and now have to wear a compression sock all the time to try and slow the spread of the varacus veins and have to take blood thinners for rest of my life.
Goodness, sounds like both you and @SirLurkalot suffered worse than I am doing. Somehow (my foot was flopping around) I drove myself to hospital within an hour of doing it, was in a plaster cast 3 hours after and on blood thinner injections the same day, boot the week after. It was really unpleasant injecting myself to start off with but has now turned in to one of those minor victories every day!

Having met a couple of folk at fracture clinic over the last few weeks I know while it’s a bad injury I’m really fortunate how it is going so far. Now I can stand/walk without crutches for a bit I can occupy myself with small household stuff, a bit of gardening and some tinkering in the garage. I’m so aware though it only takes a small slip to rupture it again and back to square one so trying to do stuff where I can hang on to something or have a chair behind me!

Thanks for the good wishes and the chat!