A definative list of who was there Saturday?


Retrobike Rider
Hi all,

because I am sooo rubbish with names and better at remembering bikes!...

...Can we all have one place where we can all put our Usernames/ Real Names/ what we were riding on Sat - so those of us that would like to be able to converse in the future don't have to be embarrassed because we are cenile and can't remember names??????

Maybe a one of post above this one wher we all put a single post up with what we were riding and our real names? Or just add to this one but with one post each so as to not make it all massive and confusing?

John - you could delete it after a few days when we've all logged it?

PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED ANYONE - I do remember loads of people - just didn't get to speak to everyone etc. and I'm sure others may be in a similar boat.

I am Gus by the way - was riding the not very reto Merlin XLM (and changing tops every 15 mins!) - King of Faff and (not) very proud!
Kona Kid - Guy - '93 Kona Cindercone (with red bits, if that helps narrow it down amoungst all the konas there!)
Hilts, James, Slatter Explosif with Biscuit tyres..

grahame, Grahame, riding a yellow and blue Ibis Mojo with Pace forks. Arrived in a Sable Citroen DS with Sylvain.

Left in the same Citroen DS having towed Sylvain back from the tower following his terminal reworking of his freehub on the steep climb to the tower.

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