1st edition mags

I dont buy any bike mags anymore :( ..pretty much all out of date by the time you've read it online 2months previous..
I've just subscribed to MBA (US mag) digitally. It costs less than a quid per issue and you get it as soon as it goes to print, no delay while they post it and no problems trying to find a copy. IMO it's a great read.

I must have hundreds of old MBUK, MBR and MBAs from '89 onwards.
scant":13vuzodd said:
I dont buy any bike mags anymore :( ..pretty much all out of date by the time you've read it online 2months previous..

Agreed. It's not quite the same thumbing through an issue of MBA is WH Smiths to check the new kit out when you've already seen it :(

Still buy singletrack and cycling weekly (amongst other magazines)
But there is something unmistakeably relaxing about a cuppa tea or coffee, a copy of your most recent bike mag and solitary silence..

Especially if your tee shirt company has just been featured on page 51 of Dirt :cool:

Magazines rock.

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