1" Headset fixed cup removal tool

Just out of curiosity, did you split it at the end to spread out the leaves..........or just use it as a tube?

Shaun, I made 4 slits in one end, about 3 inches long. Then bent the four sections outwards slightly. They need to be squeezed in to get them into the headtube, but then seem to fan out again and line up nicely on the cup to be removed. I removed two cups from a frame yesterday - both had resisted my earlier efforts, but yesterday I was able to give the tool a few good hard whacks with a decent sized hammer, and the cups came out no problem at all :D
Surprised so many people baulk at paying £20 or so for a proper one of these.....

So much nicer to use and you can really get some proper purchase on them with a big hammer, while not ripping your King or Hope headset to shreds.

I use the Unior one in the workshop. V. happy with it - and it's nigh on indestructable.
It's not the price that was a problem, it was finding one that worked. My lbs got me one that was for 1" headsets, but it was too wide and wouldn't fit...

That, combined with the fact that I can make myself 40 homemade ones for the same cost makes it a no-brainer!
It's not the price that was a problem, it was finding one that worked. My lbs got me one that was for 1" headsets, but it was too wide and wouldn't fit...

That, combined with the fact that I can make myself 40 homemade ones for the same cost makes it a no-brainer!

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