WTD: Dirt drops an quill stems


Retro Guru
Looking for 2 high rise 100mm quill stems like the Nitto Dirt Drop, Periscopa or Technomic.
Also need some wide dirt drops for a 'retro-ish' build!
Was going to get the Woodchipper bars but if you have something cool gathering dust let me know!
If you have some Shimano 8sp down tube or bar end levers and Kelly Take Off's you've made my week!!!
More in my WTD link below! /Pete
If you don't have a removable face-plate the Woodchippers might be too tight to make it through your stem. They have a pretty sharp curve at the hooks.
you'll need a fair bit of luck finding one of those salsa P-series stems. I've been looking for over a year and not found one yet :( . I have seen 2 on ebay in this time one was the 150mm like the one you have a pic of, but it did a disappearing act from ebay when the seller accepted an offer :evil: . the next one was the shorter version which I didn't really want, however in hindsight I wish i'd bought as I haven't seen another one since.

If you should happen across more than one please let me know.

Failing that you can get one made to your spec by one of the known builders like Groovy , Roberts or if you want the original goose neck style Steve Potts could make you one.

Either way best of luck :D
I've got some on-one dirt drop style bars, interested?? If so, i'll dig them out and get some pics for you
How retro are you wanting to go? Would a Voodoo Nakisi stem do?

Excuse me!


Yes I' am! It seem I forgot to check the box for notifications when I put up this ad...

So thanks for your replies and yes I'm still looking!!!

yo-Nate-y @: Thanks for the tip! Might save me a bunch of money!!!

Prometheus @: Thanks for the info! Had no idea they were that rare and will keep you in mind. Nod my head in sympathy, same reason I treat #'bay as the last resort. Would love a Steve Potts/WTB Goose Neck stem and have toyed with the idea of a going custom. Thing is my other braincell is busy looking for a replacement 29er or 650B frame witch lead to inaction... :?

Pfennig @: Greeeat! If you still have 'em and they are a bit wide drop me a pm with pics, measurements and model! Should ad that I'm not to keen on the very narrow early 3T/Nitto versions.

kaiser @: Ooh, that's a nice one! How long is it? please PM me some info about length, angle and nick. I did a quick assessment and it seem that I need a c. 140 to 170mm tall with a reach of c. 100mm depending on angle (and what fork I end up using).
EDIT: shorter might work too!
tonyf39 @: You want me to guess the measurements? If so I'd say it doesn't fit the description, besides adjustable stems is not what I'm after. ;)

Dave_H @: Very interesting so please pm details and pics please! :p