what class are you?

The wife just did it - most of her answers are identical as she comes from the same household as me and yet this commoner, this daughter of a landscape gardener, is Established Middle Class.

I'm writing to The Queen to complain.
I'm a New Affluent Worker, though taking into account what I actually do as a worker, Effluent worker might be more precise :LOL:

Pigeon holing folk is pointless but our society is heirarchy based so we all have opinions where we sit. Before this survey I'd maybe call myself lower middle class or lower professional class. Wherever I am I certainly was viewed as the posh kid in my class at school and thus got beat up regularly by the commoners :roll:
I am where I expected to be to be honest. Private education, Uni, my friends are doctors, teachers, business owners etc. Shame I'm an unemployed bum :roll:
Jesu Christo, I gotta be upper class. Hell, I once owned a Vauxhall Cavalier and it as a CD model no less. Proof if ever it were needed that I'm next in line for the throne.

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