why is Kona so popular here?


Kona Fan
I'm a Kona fan too but I wonder why there are so many Kona people here and so few Specialized and Marin. I think Specialized have always been one to the most popular makes, and Marin are up there too, but Konas seem to dominate this place.
i think people like the smaller companies from back in the day and kona was small back then. i think also that we as a group prefer the more obscure stuff out of individuality, there maybe alot of kona riders on here but you don't bump into many pre 2000 explosif's on the trail these days.
Couldn't agree with johnnyboy666 more! Personally I always thought that Specialized/Marin were wannabe bikes, i.e. they wanted to be cool bikes but tried too hard to be cool(by flooding the market)Scotts were the same, thus making themselves uncool ! Obviously I'm biased towards Kona/Orange/Gts. Anyone agree/disagree? :cool:
Aye, imagewise, Kona were Da Baws..............only thing to be seen on wearing yer Bula hat. I always liked the slopin' top tube back when everybody else was still level.

Bought a Proflex instead, so waddooahhknerr??
i agree with what you(geetee) just wrote but i think marins like the team and team ti and some of the early zolatone marins were cool but as with most companies a business minded person gets involved, and he would have been wearing a suit, things tend to get a little less individual and numbers start to matter to pay the increasing wage bill as the brands became more popular. i liked the early marins but i wouldn't buy a modern one even though having ridden the new full sussers i think they are great.

with kona, they were only doing small numbers in the uk in the early days, about 2500 each year from 92ish. they ended up in halfords because gt went bust. this was because the guys who imported gt needed a good named brand to restart a new company and went to kona promising massive increase in sales over the previous importer. but to start the new importer for kona the company needed a big name chain store to impress the business banker with to get the initial business loan so they had to deal with halfords to start the company, i think this ruined kona's modern rep hence i would buy an old one but not a modern one.

i've never thought scotts were cool, especially the modern ones, i think they are very . . . erm . . . well . . . geeky. no offence :) and to quote a comment regarding carbon from someonelse i think they look like tupperware!

basically i like the smaller underdog companies and homegrown products like hope, middleburn etc

bugger, just realised i rambled of tangent really! :D
i never had a kona until i recently got my explosif,it didnt look too special but the ride is absolutely fantastic,easily the 'nicest' frame ive ridden,superb geometry and use of material :)
1991 :)

At the moment I'm 3/4 through rebuilding a 97 Explosif. Main ride is a 95 nickel silver Orange P7. When I finish the Kona, gonna post pics of them both on readers bikes. Keep your eyes open for them ! :cool:
Kona I can't have!

Hugely frustrated at the moment. There's a Lavadome for sale on the notice board in the local supermarket,good condition £75,great methinks as I fancied one but didn't want to break the bank,read rest of add, no contact details whatsoever! So now when I pop into the supermarket the ads there all tantalising but unobtainable.