The frame is back at last! ....New Pics 12/07/2010


Old School Grand Master
..and I'm not happy.

Been looking forward to this day since January. Picked up a Kona Lavadome from LeGrandeFromage, knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. Wanted to mimic the Fat Chance Aquafade but in Team Violet to Aquafade Blue, this included the all-important red 'sun burst' lacquer on the top. After ringing many paint shops and trying to source paints I opted for Colourtech, mainly based on word of mouth of 'top notch' paint work, and sent the frame off at the start of the year. That was then, this is now:


The base paint colour itself is bang-on, however it was explained that the fade was to go from top to bottom and not from back to front, as with the Fat Aquafade job.


This is a (bad) close-up, however that's definitely clear lacquer, it's the sun-burst red lacquer that gives Team Violet it's vibrancy and that is exactly what I was after, it was supposed to have been the icing on the cake.

Then it comes to the fork lowers which have all gone to hell, these were supposed to have been done in the fade effect too:


Decals in the completely wrong place and...


...even then the right hand RockShox logo placed skewiff...and.......


not only in the wrong place but the Judy SL logo placed upside down.

I don't know what to say, was really looking forward to this paint job, it has cost me £170 plus the postage and packing, and numerous telephone calls, which I consider a lot of cash. Added to how much I've spent on parts for it, I spared no expense, this is actually very upsetting.

The fork lowers really have to go back next week to be re-done because I'm not settling for that shoddy work. As for the frame however, I really don't know. I was ecstatic when my neighbours sent me a text that they had taken receipt of the frame as it's been gone since January but my heart totally sank when I opened the box and took it out. It was really exciting when I saw the lilac on the front through the bubble wrap but soon fell on seeing the rest. None of the threads nor BB have been re-tapped either.

Feeling very, very, very disappointed about it and don't know what to do about the frame. Sending it to Rody in the States to be done properly will cost way too much money that I don't have.

That is a shame, looks as though you went to gret efforts to get this done how you imagined it. Its always the case though i'm afraid, the moment you let your project out of your control it gets compromised.
Don't know what to say, must be quite upsetting. I think the frame looks top notch though, I know not how you wanted it but nevertheless it looks good. The forks I agree with you, I couldn't live with the decals in the wrong place.

Hope you can sort something out with them.
Even though its back to front the frame looks very nice!! The forks and decals...... :?

Get the forks sorted and decals on correctly and I think this will look totally bitching :cool:
Got to admit that I think it looks really cool as it is. . . . . :cool:

Problem is, is that it's nothing like what you have asked and paid for, which would piss me off equally too..... send it back and get them to do it to how YOU asked for it to be done. All at their expense... :x
I sympathise with you bud,
I can only imagine how you must have felt when upon opening the box your vision was not a reality

The frame itself is still a belter of a job :oops: :cool:

:shock: No wonder your not happy. Get on the phone to them and make it plain that your not happy and want it put right. Just not good enough. Even the clear coat is not clear.
That's a long wait to not be happy
Baring the fork stickers being all mucked up i quite like the fade.

However it's not way you wanted and envisioned so they should make good and sort it.
Who did that then? Were they by any chance, in Leeds?
I had a similar let down with a DEkerf frame last year- cable stops in wrong place, unfinished filletts etc...
I claimed from my credit card co, and they refunded the cost of the work + decals sent from Canada + my postage costs. It's worth looking into.
Should they not put the whole thing right if they have not done what you asked? If you clearly told them what you wanted then they should sort it imo. Does look nice though.

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