Pets On Wards!


Retro Wizard

Seems crazy to me to suggest dogs and such in operating theatres, having worked in that environment. Huge problems keeping everything clean already.

Certainly great in certain circumstances, such as children's wards and the like.

We ought to make hospitals more homely, some people spend many months in them.
I think it's brilliant. Not sure about theatres, but in general dogs are great. And golden retrievers are the best of the lot. We've had six and they'd all have been brilliant therapets.

I had some big needles in my knees this week. A big daft lump of a dog would have taken my mind off the pain.
Having been a regular to my NHS establishments over the years I wouldn't want a dog coming near me. Can't stand them. Next they will be letting them into restaurants

I had some big needles in my knees this week. A big daft lump of a dog would have taken my mind off the pain.

Smaller nurses uniforms might be a cheaper, more hygienic alternative.

Seems a bit off given how many people get mrsa when they go INTO hospital and now they think animals who lick the own arses, flanges and gentlemen's bits will add no additional risk to hygiene or germs. You live and learn

When the NHS has been run into the ground, we'll probably have to go to a vet anyway.