Are you a Psychopath?

I'm as dull as dishwater !
There is no clear indication that you might have a
psychopathic / antisocial personality disorder.

Score: 6 of 38 [6:4/1/1]

There is no indication that you might have a narcissistic personality disorder.
You might have certain traits of narcissistic personalities but certainly not in a form that would justify a personality disorder diagnosis according to the standards.
Score: 3 of 9

There is no indication that you might have a histrionic personality disorder.[D:0/I:0]

Might even have to let all those people out of the cellar... ;)
I got a strong indication of histrionic Personality disorder :roll: mmmm the symptoms are not me at all, I have an actual diagnosis of BPD

They forgot a question.

Did you identify/empathize with Christian Bayle's character in American Psycho?
What does it mean when a buzzer goes off and a red light starts flashing on the screen?


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