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  1. D

    Tools and 1991 GT Talera Info

    Yo I am doing my first strip down and rebuild of a 1991 GT Talera and obviously am having to get specialist tools to strip it down! They all seem really expensive for what they are (!). How do you guys go about it, do you just buy...
  2. D

    Show Us Your Budget Build!

    Well, after getting hold of my new £25 steed ( I was hoping a full restoration (new parts etc). However, the constraints of family life (a wife, 11 month old and another on the way in Jan!) have meant that I need to get it done for as...
  3. D

    Online Stripdown and Rebuild Guides?

    Alright guys Is there anywhere online that takes you through a full stripdown and rebuild on a MTB? Or a really good guide book? Cheers Dan
  4. D

    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Hi dudes! So, I decided to get back in the saddle and grabbed myself a 91 GT Talera off Ebay today. Picked it up this morning, bit rough (particularly the matte black finish!) but just about ride-able and not all bad for £25!! One thing that is a bit wired is all the running gear (it seems to...