Sorted Santa Cruz Superlight (rear triangle)


Bontrager Fan
Hi all, looking for a Santa Cruz Superlight frame or rear triangle. My rear triangle broke at the lower pivot point, so looking for a replacement. Anybody have one available? Thank you!
I may have one, I'll check frame in the morning, can't remember if it's a heckler or suoerlight. Just to clarify, which version/year is yours
Hi @IWish , thank you. Got the bike from my dad, who got it used himself, so not sure on year but I can check serial number tomorrow and send you a few pics. Appreciate it.



Hi @IWish , Happy Easter. Here's a few pics. 10" center to center on the rear pivots. Does this look like your rear triangle? (You can make out the crack on mine at the lower pivot.). Thanks for checking!
Hi pal, my rear triangle is from a mk1 heckler, I believe it's the same swingarm with the age.

It looks identical, I'll get some proper measurements tomorrow when it's lighter and less rainy!

I'm sure I've read online it's the same swinger before a certain age.

BTW my heckler frame looks extremely similar too your superlight besides a differently placed frame shock mount (someone cut and bodged it)
Hi pal, my rear triangle is from a mk1 heckler, I believe it's the same swingarm with the age.

It looks identical, I'll get some proper measurements tomorrow when it's lighter and less rainy!

I'm sure I've read online it's the same swinger before a certain age.

BTW my heckler frame looks extremely similar too your superlight besides a differently placed frame shock mount (someone cut and bodged it)
Awesome, that's great! I'll do a little research as well, but I've definitely noticed the swingarms look identical!