Ex-pro race Principia rebuild

Baconland bikes.

Principia used to hand build all there frames inhouse in the 90´, but now some of the lower pricerange frames/bikes are made in Taiwan (like many other brands). When I was in school to become a bike mechanic, i wanted to work there, but it was not to be. Many Danish´ pros had Principia as there own personal training bike.
Synthesis - Principias have not been made in Denmark since they went bust in 2002.

The remains of the company were bought by Lars Hjorth who split it up into two divisions - Principia of Denmark which was sold to VN Cycles in Randers for the domestic market and which used the final Principia blueprints finetuned by Taiwanese engineers, and Principia International which sold frames to the rest of the world. These were effectively Boreas frames with different logos. Boreas had been started by a former Principia designer but frames were made in the far east so there was still a link, however tenuous.

Principia still exists as a brand and existing designs are still very close to the Rex in many ways.