A day in the Life of The LGF


Bin Monkey
BoTM Winner
PoTM Winner
GT Fan
Sunday - finish work at 3am, get in for about 3.10. Worried about doing a car boot sale in 3 hours...

5.50am - wake up before alarm, better get up while body is 'naturally awake'

7am - arrive at boot sale, unpack in front of the hoards and sell 'stuff'

10am - starting to wane but found a 2 sets of decent pedals for a £1...

Pack up, go onto anoth huuuge boot sale to wander round spending today's takings.

Buy 2 cans of WD40 for £2 each - no interesting bike stuff today.

1pm - go to tip - oh my gawd - 4 sets of decent wheels and tires, Campagnolo, Mavic and all sorts!

2pm - say a weary hello to a disgustingly awake and cheerful Lucky, oh and his owner, Chris667

3pm - fall asleep in fron of 'Columbo ' ''Sir - just one more question...''

5pm - wake up, GET PISSED!
