Foldable helmet

Have you seen the invisible helmet?

Apologies but i have not got the link to it.

The airbag helmet - remember it from years ago but seem to remember it was stupid money - where the folder is about mid- high end normal helmet price.
No guarantees with any of the crowd funding stuff. You basically risk donating your cash against the kudos of being in at the beginning of something - or just purely because you think something is worth doing.
Crowd funding always entails a risk, but less so when you are buying a discounted future product than when you invest in, say, a software venture in exchange for shares that may never become worth anything. I only invest in the former and this one seems to be very credible. However, in my experience new products are rarely brought to market on time - there are usually a host of reasons for development delays. I'm not betting on getting one of these in April, but I think there's a good chance one will turn up some time next year.

Richard: don't know why the link didn't work. Here it is again: ... technology
Wasn't that long ago another folding helmet was being sold every where. It had quite a good retro look. This new one has more folds and looks quite neat, I'd have one if the price was right.