Wanted... Quality compact Digi Camera ...


Old School Grand Master
Looking for a cheap but quality compact camera, ideally something like a panasonic Lumix or sim... give us a shout if you have owt,,,

I have a 7mp samsung digimax a7 ive been thinking about selling. Would be cheap.

May even swap you for that RM you gained earlier (lucky sod!!! :p )
Bit too rich for me at the mo fella.. sorry ... thanks for the offer...

Nice camera...BTW, I have a Canon EOS5 so dont really need that gooda compact camera fella.. just something to throw in the backpack really.. cant jusitfy that much .. was thinking nearer the max price of £ 80-100

Canon Ixus 70 in the shops for about £120 (used to be £300)is a top camera...

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