Sunday 23rd April - Kinnoull/ Deuchney Hill Perth - Roll call time.


MacRetro Rider
98+ BoTM Winner
Keith has consulted his social secretary and confirmed that he is allowed out to play on Sunday 23rd April.

We’re thinking either Comrie Croft or Kinnoull. Climbs at Comrie are worse but we did kill @velomaniac in 2.5 miles and leave @JRGSXR asleep in a bush on our last visit to Perth. Ah, good times.

Feel free to chip in with a preferred option or roll the dice of fate and leave it up to me. 😈👿👹👺
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Nothing wrong with a small kip in a comfy bush 😂. As far as a preferred option goes…… as long as it has comfy bushes…… I’m in 👍. 23rd looks good for me but will confirm nearer the time.
I am up for either as I now have Sundays off and finally the right bike for the terrain. Fitness however is dire but when has that ever been an issue for MacRetro 😁
You and I can hang out at the back of the pack Velo. At least I’ll have some company when I crash! 😂
Have seen on Instagram that there are a few events on at Comrie that day, including a trail clean ride. Probably going to be a bit busy, so we’re going for Perth.
Have some surplus bike stands to move on. Good for keeping the shed/garage tidy and also suitable for light maintenance use.
Rebranded version of these

I have two for 26" wheels. £10 each or both for £15. Too heavy to ship but can bring to Perth.
Yes please. I’d be up for those Clubby. Will bring the cash with me to Perth if they are still up for grabs?