Sorry I was slow in the singletrack - my bike just caught fire…

Lots of assumptions and generalisations being made here.. :LOL:

My kid rides a modernish Norco hardtail but he commutes too and from school on a Pure e-scooter.. let me explain why

For the first 3yrs of secondary school, he walked to school, ladened down with books.. we live in the bottom of the Porter Valley, his school is up between Bents Green and Whirlow.. the only road up there is Highcliffe Road, the bottom section has no footpath, Highcliffe Road is steep af.. steeper than 95% of roads in the Peak District.. there are houses on the left, allotments on the right.. (pull it up on google maps, you'll see what i mean) cars park on the left..

Riding up the hill would be a struggle for most but just about doable if there was no cars but you have to stop behind the parked cars to give way to the traffic coming quickly down the hill.. setting off again, up the hill with zero momentum into oncoming traffic in the dark is dangerous af.. i never see anyone riding it.

To avoid Highcliffe Rd, my kid used to take a detour on foot, through the woods and through the allotments alone in the dark.. he would arrive at school 40mins later, with his school shoes (and often socks) covered in mud..

We got him an e-scooter (i know the legality is a gray area but it's a lot less worrying than knowing your 12yr old is alone in the woods in the dark) he rides up Highcliffe Rd because the acceleration from 0-17mph is instant, he can get past a line of parked cars in seconds, it has a front and rear light, indicators and 4x reflectors, one on either side of each wheel.. he rides up to his friends house at Bents Green, puts his e-scooter in his friends garage, takes off his waterproofs, hooks'up with the lads and they all walk to school together, he arrives dry with his school shoes free from mud.. it has little effect on his fitness levels, he hikes in the Peaks, skateboards, plays football, tennis and lacrosse.. he's fit af!

That's the one in a hundred cases where it makes sense. Come and visit me to see the other 99 and you know what I mean.
Ha.. I’ve just realised, I/we had this exact conversation earlier in the thread..


I need to lay of the... well, I need to lay off something

*insert clock from groundhog day*
Maybe I also should lay of the...
Ha.. I’ve just realised, I/we had this exact conversation earlier in the thread..


I need to lay of the... well, I need to lay off something

*insert clock from groundhog day*

I thought i was having Deja-Vu

Bristol city Council mixed the cyclists up with the pedestrians over the last 20 years.
Now we've got teenagers on legal and illegal e-scooters, and mostly illegal e-bike "deliveroo" and "just eat" exploitees racing through the crowds like angry wasps.

Quite a few peds are getting driven back into their cars.🙄
I thought i was having Deja-Vu

Bristol city Council mixed the cyclists up with the pedestrians over the last 20 years.
Now we've got teenagers on legal and illegal e-scooters, and mostly illegal e-bike "deliveroo" and "just eat" exploitees racing through the crowds like angry wasps.

Quite a few peds are getting driven back into their cars.🙄
ah.....we have a combined-use pathway alongside a guided busway in Cambridge. After a colleague was killed after user interactions, falling into the path of a bus, I did a rigorous survey of users.

Single adult pedestrians
Single youth pedestrians
Grouped adult pedestrians
Grouped youth pedestrians
Pedestrians in above categories with a dog
Pedestrians in above categoires with mutiple dogs
Adult pedestrians with pushchairs or jogging pushchairs
Adult pedestrians with pushchairs or jogging pushchairs with dog(s)
Individual cyclists - conventional bike
Paired cyclists -conventional bike
Above with legal ebikes
Above with illegal unregulated ebikes
Cargobike cyclists
Power assisted cargobike cyclists
Nightime lit cyclists
Nightime unlit cyclists went on and on...and with permutations such as

Jogging pushchair with dog and infant on small bike....etc

Nordic skiers

I showed the list to the Grom, who at that time used the path to get to college.

He: ' forgot longboaders being towed by a cyclist at considerable speed...'
Me: '...really? you do this?...'
He: '...yep...'
Me: '...with a dog?...'
He: ' I would if I had one...can I have a trail dog?...'
Me: '...sigh...'

I submitted the report to the Council along with international research on user conflict and the pyschology of pathway use, such as mechanisms for user-bunching. It took quite a lot of pressure for them to formally admit report to their minutes, since it challenged a commissioned review. Recently, HSE has opened proceedings regarding the deaths, findings now in.... Safety Executive,Ives, between 2015 and 2021.