A little late so will run for a couple of extra days until midnight on July 2nd.
Some interesting voting patterns have emerged over the last couple of months. Please ensure you vote for the bike you like, let's show a little free will
Nader's 1993 Yo Eddy Aquafade
tvcreative's 1996 Fat Chance Yo Eddy
yo-Nate-y's 1991 Yo Eddy Team Fat Chance
huelse's 1988 Ibis Custom
drcarlos' Carl's 1989 Raleigh 531 Lightweight 'Team Edition'
We_are_Stevo's W.A.S's '92 WOT
Retroyetirigid's 1991 Yeti Ultimate
chute55uk's 1990 fisher montare
KingRoon's 1990 YETI FRO John Tomac Tribute
SYN-CROSSIS' 1993 Mountaingoat Whiskeytown Racer
TSC's (Barrie Clarke's) 1996 Raleigh
Spwal's 1994 Yeti ARC AS
Tigern's 1996 Klein Attitude
Some interesting voting patterns have emerged over the last couple of months. Please ensure you vote for the bike you like, let's show a little free will
Nader's 1993 Yo Eddy Aquafade
tvcreative's 1996 Fat Chance Yo Eddy
yo-Nate-y's 1991 Yo Eddy Team Fat Chance
huelse's 1988 Ibis Custom
drcarlos' Carl's 1989 Raleigh 531 Lightweight 'Team Edition'
We_are_Stevo's W.A.S's '92 WOT
Retroyetirigid's 1991 Yeti Ultimate
chute55uk's 1990 fisher montare
KingRoon's 1990 YETI FRO John Tomac Tribute
SYN-CROSSIS' 1993 Mountaingoat Whiskeytown Racer
TSC's (Barrie Clarke's) 1996 Raleigh
Spwal's 1994 Yeti ARC AS
Tigern's 1996 Klein Attitude