Recommend a helmet?

Giro Hex for me. Very comfortable and I can honestly say I forget it's there. I like having the adjustable cradle to help secure it.

Definitely go and try some first though.

When I was younger I only used to wear a helmet if I was out doing proper riding in my proper kit. Thankfully I was doing that when I managed to launch myself over the bars :oops: , as the first thing to contact with the road was the front of my head. I was wearing a Giro Hammerhead and it did a fantastic job. At the time Giro even used to replace the helmet for free if you sent them your old one so they could do some tests on it. Don't think they do that now though (certainly wasn't anything in with my Hex saying they do it).

I still hate seeing little kids riding bikes with the helmet perched on the back of their heads and the straps so loose they're ready to choke them if they fall off :shock:
I am also looking for a new lid. Been looking at the Giro E2 or Zen, what are the main differences, pro's/con's between these two?

Thorpie":3h2tqcp6 said:
I am also looking for a new lid. Been looking at the Giro E2 or Zen, what are the main differences, pro's/con's between these two?


E2 is more of an XC race focussed lid with loads of vents and very lightweight construction. The Xen is more freeride with a profile that is more like a dirt jumpers p1ss pot so generally a bit more robust. (Still well ventilated though)

The E2 is a prettier lid IMO, but I ride with a Xen because it is so durable.:)
Never worn one, but feel like I ought to: I certainly make sure the kids do.

Is there any good argument for not wearing a helmet?

My only excuses are -- that I've lasted this long; I ride not too rocky trails; and I once heard that the sort of crashes where they help [ie fairly minor] the body kind of takes care of itself anyway, while in major crashes, a polystyrene toupe won't help much anyway.

Are those black skateboard/horseriding ones any good?
I've been using Giro Atmos helmets for a few years,really light and comfy,don't even notice its on really,and roadie lids are much :cool: than the 'freeridedownhillliteheavydutycrosscountry' things that everyone seems to be wearing nowadays ;)
doctor-bond":wbxy7dqr said:
Never worn one, but feel like I ought to: I certainly make sure the kids do.

Is there any good argument for not wearing a helmet?

My only excuses are -- that I've lasted this long; I ride not too rocky trails; and I once heard that the sort of crashes where they help [ie fairly minor] the body kind of takes care of itself anyway, while in major crashes, a polystyrene toupe won't help much anyway.

Are those black skateboard/horseriding ones any good?

Why do you make your kids wear them then ?
doctor-bond":3pg5x8ap said:
Never worn one, but feel like I ought to: I certainly make sure the kids do.

Is there any good argument for not wearing a helmet?

My only excuses are -- that I've lasted this long; I ride not too rocky trails; and I once heard that the sort of crashes where they help [ie fairly minor] the body kind of takes care of itself anyway, while in major crashes, a polystyrene toupe won't help much anyway.

Are those black skateboard/horseriding ones any good?

Try dropping an egg from about 8 inches off the ground onto concrete (which I'm assuming you will ride on at some point) and see what happens, they try it in a polystyrene box and see what happens. Basically you can give yourself braindamage falling over in the shower, so falling off a bike at even slow speeds is dangerous. I would always recommend a helmet, child or adult. Afterall your kids will be thinking "why should I wear one when Daddy doesn't". Lead by example and make your kids think they are cool, just like their Dad. :cool: :)