Marzocchi Z2 SuperFly - Internal Bush Question


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Really quick one for all the Marzocchi experts out there.

I have stripped down a set of Z2 SuperFly's, and removed the actual Schreader valves, but it seems as tho one of the valve inlet ports is blocked.
This could either be paint from a previous owner (unlikely, I have thoroughly cleaned it out with paint stripper), or, I think it could be the orientation of the internal bush.

On the unblocked one, the bush is free to spin inside the leg lower, and the "gap" or "slit" in the bush is lined up with the hole on the inside of the leg. On the blocked one, the bush cannot be spun round, and it covers the hole.

So, does the bush have to be oreintated so that it does not cover the air hole on the inside of the fork lower?
I will try and get a photo up tonight

yes the bushing needs to be rotated so that the gap is over the air valve.. it is possible to get air in with it not lined up but the pressure reading never works..

if it wont rotate you will need to remove both the seals.. withdraw and rotate the bushing and then reinstall it in the correct place..

but be VERY careful with the seals (if you intend to re-use them) when you remove them.. as its very easy to damage the metal spring that holds the seal against the fork leg when you lever them out with something like a screwdriver..

you might get away with easing the oil seal up slightly (without removing the dust seal) to ease pressure on the bushing.. but i doubt it.. it needed to be fully taken out when i did it..
oh... and be VERY careful when re-tightening up the valves into the fork.. they are made of cheese.. and snap with no force at all!

and cost £9 to replace..!
What sort of pump do you recommend for these forks??!!! I just spent £20 plus p+p on one and when it turned up I couldn't fit it on the stupid valves cos of the brake bosses :evil:
Thanks Spacehopper.....
I will have a go at removing all the remaining seals tonight... hopefully I can get it sorted.

VERY careful on the bottom bolt.

Here's the blow out diagram part 20 is the part that goes really easily as I did mine :(, then helped spacehopper get the part but once they are gone, it's make it time as I know how many windwave have.

Yes align the bushings up with the valves, I made that mistake putting mine together the first time :facepalm:
The Marzocchi L bend valve (came with the forks) is what you should fit, it make it a bit easier when the canti's are still on and makes taking the pump and not loosing air simple. I guess other L-bends might fit.

Technical manual is in the archive if you're looking for setup info while you're at it.