Macretro fat camp

gmac 83.4Kg (again)
kaiser 84.4kg
zigzag 88.0kg (at least the weight gain is slowing
Gazz 85.28kg down a pound so suppose it is the right direction)
The Ken 81kg - I think that is the same but I weighed in 2 days late, hope I'm not too late for the graph update.
keithyr 104kg (lost a cheeky wee pound)
RobMac 80kg

Im beginning to think my scales are wonky :?
5mile run today with some hill repeats then 20 mile commute and ragged it on the way to work :eek: daresay the legs will be shot tomorrow. Having a beer now though.
Tomorrow Im starting to commute to work again, Im riding half way then getting a lift and repeat coming back at night, its just that Ive not been ridding for 5 or 6 weeks :?
Well I did it, only thing is I left with a penis but when I reached my destination it had gone :shock: Fcuk me it was cold :LOL:
On the way back home I "UNLEASHED THE BEAST" I'll pay for that later (over exuberance) I put it down to :twisted:
2 weeks since last weigh in due to snowboard holiday. Now at 90.9.
Not bad considering a week of cooked breakfasts, cheese and salami baguettes, 3 course evening meals (+ cheeseboard).

No snow left here so it's full speed ahead on the riding in preparation for the Dalbeattie trip. Already said I want to be down to 85 by then, only 2 months to go..