Full face helmet for anything but DH

From experience, full-face helmets are very warm for XC riding.

They aint made to make you look good. I'd rather wear a helmet that looks a bit silly, then spend the rest of my days dribbling.
What about one of the helmets with removable chinguards?

Will be getting one of these for my next foray to the South of France....


http://www.cratoni.de/fahrradhelme/1291 ... edown.html

Idea being to have the chinguard strapped to my camelback until it gets really gnarly and fast downhill.
If your determind to wear a full face for XC, Specialized did a full face DH helmet that had a full visor that completly covered your face. Looked sweet and would hide your identity.

Someone might have a pic of one...
I got an Urge Enduromatic and it's the comfiest lid I have ever had. Looks are polarising but if ya got it flaunt it I say!

I use a Casco Viper MX

Easy enough to unclip the bottom part when not needed.

Heat does not seam a problem, but the mouthpiece gets a little moist on long XC rides if you dont remove it.
Lots of good suggestions... I like the Urge Endur o matic. I am going to hunt down a retailer here and check it out. I also like the 66one Recon, but need to try it, historically their products are uncomfortable to me. POC makes some neat helmets too..