

Bin Monkey
BoTM Winner
PoTM Winner
GT Fan
Due to a recent graphic hand injury, I'm bored. I cant work in the garage, cant do any projects - I can only daydream.

worst of all - cant ride a bike. :cry:

I've done the:

Gf underwear thing - still dont get it....

Walking round the house doing funny accents - almost pissed myself :LOL:

Radio 1 - 'shout shout shout' crap music.... :roll:

Sky - crap, flick, crap, flick, crap, flick, crap, flick, crap, flick,

DVDs - seen it seen it seen it seen it

Twitter - :roll:

Facebook - just makes me angry and want to fight people...

any suggestions?
:shock: facebook makes you angry!. Please go and lay in a dark room for an hour. Calm please. :D :LOL:
It must be hell. Sorry to hear. Get well soon :D
Are you sure you are doing the underwear thing properly? Pretty easy to get the order wrong (apparently).