What do you do when being chased by a dog?


Retro Guru
A question for the collective readership here. You are out for a ride. A dog comes running out of somebodies yard yard barking and gives chase. What is your response?

Heretofore, I've tried to distinguish between the truly aggressive ones (pepper spray them if/as needed), and the territorial ones. Those I taunt, tease, and vigourously egg on trying to get them to chase me to their point of utter exhaustion. However there is this one that has become a bit of a nuisance. His owner is a local neighbor - they live about a half mile away. I'd prefer not to antogonize them, the wife has given me a ride home once after I broke down.

Yesterday afternoon I had to beak off the taunt/tease routine with the critter due to oncoming traffic. Typically it only takes 2 episodes and they learn and stop chasing. Given the traffic on the road, my doing so is likely going to get this dog hit before he learns.

The family members call to him (actually scream their lungs out) but he pays little heed. Because of the danger to him, I'm probably going to ride up to their doorstep next time so that they can collect him. Obviously the dog needs some behavior training.

What do the other readers do?
Being a postie, I would just leave them alone. But if its going to bug you enough to post on here, then I would go to the owner and notify them of what is happening. That dog, is a member of there family! If they are nice people then go the extra distance. If not....let it go!
I take mine out with me, he's a placid spaniel cross but he has a bark that a rotweiler would be proud of...

Needless to say I dont get bothered by dogs often....
if you know the owners ask them to introduce you to the dog, worth a try. my ups man carries a pocket full of biscuits and my dog loves him. some dogs just love the chase and will lose intrest when you stop. problem is finding out what type he is
You don't have to outrun the dog. You only have to outride your riding partner(s).
Farm dogs (Collies) with nothing to do are the worst offenders IMO.
Quite fearless, no fixing their behaviour & pack a nasty nip..That's just their owners :LOL:.
I have seen collies try to attack car wheels when on the move. Very territorial & deadly for the dog..

Owners ought to know really, that's the right thing, after that I belt 'em with my pump.. That learns them!

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