Eroica Brittania 2020


Retro Newbie
Does anyone know what's happened to Eroica Britannia for 2020.
I've supported this event for years and it was always great fun, one big happy family of 4500 riders.
With last year being a special one off 500 riders I had a year off waiting for their proposed return to usual event for 2020.
However it seems to have disappeared altogether. I keep receiving emails re all the other Eroica events all over the world but nothing from Eroica Britannia.
Anyone heard anything?
I might be wrong but I get the impression that declining numbers (hence the 'exclusive' 500 entrants cap for 2019), so-so reviews, high cost and hipster quotient along with some local difficulties has killed it off.

They haven't posted on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for over 3 months...

Others here may have more info, though.

All the best,