Elastomers In Hi5's


Gold Trader
Does anyone out there know what the coloured elastomers in Hi5's/Mozo Pro's are?
Is blue hard, medium or soft or is the yellow the hard, medium, soft one?

Also, does anyone know of any replacement springs for the elastomers? I remember reading there were but that was when they came out and can't find any info on the net.

I know a lot of you don't like RST's but any help would be appreciated :D
Blue elastomers are the hard ones. The softer ones were a pale yellow colour.

I think that I may have some RST springs around somewhere. I'll have a rummage. Iirc the yellow springs were soft, the red medium and the blue hard.
I have 2 of the blue ones in a now defunct pair of Mozo Pros... originally they had a stack of blue and yellow ones but i took some out to decrease the travel. Pikey but it worked :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: